Friday, June 11, 2010

Tetons AKA Heaven

I had a dream job during Summer 2009. I was lucky enough to get a position as a Teacher Ranger Teacher at Grand Teton National Park. I can't express enough how GIDDILY excited I was as I drove through the park entrance station.

Oh man, Summer 2009 seems SO LONG ago, but looking through these Teton photos makes me feel like it was just yesterday.

I worked at the most fabulous vistor center, Colter Bay, and really enjoyed all of my Ranger duties!


A Photo-less Post!

Life has been good an interesting and now that I'm sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours (for a continuing ed class) I thought I would post... especially since it's been like, a year.
Announcement: I've been camera-less for the past year. On a hike in the Grand Tetons, my camera seemed to overheat and has never worked again. One of these days I'll get a new one. That being said, I may try to put in some photos from the past year... but they'll all be thanks to others!
Let's start.
To begin, the biggest news is that I moved to Kansas City! I think everyone probably knows that :) I had great farewells with Tejas amigos before I left the Lonestar State. Once I left Texas, stopped over at the Trommers with my dad on the way up, looked for a house on the one day I was back and put in an offer for a house the next day before I left for the Grand Tetons! I got to see great friends last summer... Leah, Rachel, Kate, David, Schwenks, Shin, Jaleen and the rest of my Western Slope family to name a few!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

bella the baby buffalo

I've been knocking things off my Texas To-Do left and right! Not that feeding a baby buffalo was on the list... but when the opportunity presented itself... how could I pass it up!? (The real reason for the trip was to go hunting...)
One of my fun colleagues has 100 acres in Luling, TX complete with a baby buffalo, longhorns, and donkeys! She invited me to drive out there with her to go hunting one Wednesday night, but first we had to get the feeding out of the way. That buffalo was STRONG... and the longhorn's horns were BIG... I was a little terrified when they started edging each other out to get to the pellets we were giving them. Thankfully, I had a trailer to hide in when I got too spooked. Bella was totally cute, and Delane is definitely her mom. She wanted to suck on our hands after her bottle feeding was done, but spit mine out in favor of Delane's. So funny.
After feeding time was over, Delane and I set out to kill some hogs. Unfortunately, things got too dark too quickly and although we spotted some, it was too dark to get a good aim. So does this count for marking "hunting" off my list of things to do before I die? I think it does, 'cause not everytime you go out are you successful... but I'd still like to go out agian. Apparently, turkey season is right around the corner... and Delane has invited me back to her land. Clap clap!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i heart austin

I had the best time in Austin this weekend.
Angela, Andy and their friends Ethan and Carrie are so nice! Andy, Ethan and I picked up our race packets while Angela and Carrie dodged disapproving stares from the What-a-Burger lady... then it was off to the Alamo Draft House for Slumdog Millionaire. It had been a million years since I'd been to a movie... and I'm glad I saw this one... HOWEVER... the words "cute" and "hilarious" did not properly describe the film... although those were some of the adjectives that I heard flying around after the show. WHAT!?
Angela and her wonderful craftiness made for a delicious pasta meal the night before the race and it sure was tasty. Ethan's birthday cake pushed me over the edge... it was delicious but SO rich. The night closed out with a great game of Settlers... and I'm so happy Angela allowed herself to be convinced to play. Fun times.
I am used to going to bed early... and especially the night before a race I did not expect to be hitting the sack at 12:30a.m., but that's how you roll when you spend the weekend with the Trommers. :) I didn't sleep very well the night of the race. I'm pretty sure I was nervous first about not waking up to my alarm and second not completing the race in the 4 hour time allowed.
Race day arrived EARLY... and upon getting ready I realized that I forgot my earbuds for my Zune at home. This was ridiculous considering the 3 hours or so I spent creating a special playlist for the run. Thankfully, Ethan had an extra pair, so I was saved!
Apparently there was some strange sighting above Austin the morning of the marathon... I did not see it though... I was pretty focused on my run. Amazingly, I finished the half marathon in under 3 hours and the crew, minus Ethan, were nice enough to wait around for me at the finish! It was such a beautiful day for a run and I loved Austin more and more with every step I took.
The love affair continued after we all got showered up. We ate a delicious lunch at Tacodeli. Being able to Sit outside in February is one thing that's great about Texas. All of the quirky, unique, tasty restaurants is one thing (among many) that's great about Austin.
After lunch we putzed around town for a few hours... checked out some art galleries and cool little shops. I wish I hadn't been so exhausted... I would have loved to spend more time exploring, but I knew if I didn't leave to drive home soon, I maybe wouldn't make it back. Thanks to friends and family that kept me alert on the drive back to SA... I picked up Isis, took her out, and promptly slept off the aches and pains (and sleepless Austin nights).

Friday, February 13, 2009

where did january (and half of february) go!?

2009 has been flying by! It must be because I've been having so much fun. Who would've thought? In San Antonio!?

It started when my lovely sister Chloe came to visit! We headed to Austin for some good times and Esther's Follies. We, unfortunately, saw Illinois lose but had a good/awkward time meeting some fellow Illini fans. We checked out some great art galleries and I got some great new art tiles. All in all, a great time.

Volleyball is still going strong. I am getting better and it's fun. Our team has won some and has lost some, but it's been fun all along. I am particularly loving the post-game happy hours. It's been great getting to know my teammates better!

I've marked a few things off my Texas To-Do list this past month. One thing was checking out the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. I went with a free ticket to see Pat Green and ended up getting the show of a lifetime when my friends and I realized it was Extreme Bull Night. Bull-riding galore! It was scary. I remember thinking that my job has it's moments of unnerving... I am SO glad I am not a rodeo clown!

Another thing checked off my list was to see the Institute of Texan Cultures. It just so happened that I made this a reality by convincing the second grade team that they needed to take a field trip there. Voila! Erin's Texas To-Do is one item less! We had SUCH a fun time. The kids were so great... and being with the kids was a wonderful way to experience the museum...

Let's see... let's see... oh! I applied to a program called the Teacher-Ranger-Teacher program through the National Parks. I had some great feedback from a ranger at the Grand Tetons... which is my first choice, so I'm hopeful. I've got an interview scheduled next Wednesday, so cross your fingers for me!

In other application news, my "appeal" for Kansas Licensure (to get a KS teaching certificate) has been recommended and will be going to the State Board of Education for final approval at their March meeting! Now I just need to get a teaching job in Kansas. BUT... if it ends up that I stay in SA, I think that will be okay, too. Only time will tell.

Well, I need to get going and packing for my Austin trip this weekend. 1/2 marathon in T-2 days. Yikes!

Oh! One more thing! I am officially done with my ninth grad school class... only three to go! I have my principal exam on March 14th (and my friend Tina's wedding that night!)... the end is near! I can't wait to be done!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

nyc recap

I had THE BEST time in New York. Chris was such a great host, taking me on a whirlwind day-in-the-life. It was definitely a fun weekend, but one that would be good to have just once a year. There would be no way I could keep up those kind of shenanigans year round. Highlights include techno on the subway, NYE in Brooklyn, gay dance clubs, walking home to the sun rising, drunk brunch, New Year's Day in the office, Christmas trees and luggage, yummy sushi and bowling at Lucky Strike. And really, just hanging out with my buddy. Six years is too long.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ou in ny

Thanks to my dear old dad, I am spending New Years in NYC visiting my old Ohio U buddy Chris. He and Jeff are so nice to be hosting me as well as Jeff's Atlanta buddies.
So I arrived bright and early in the morning - I took a Continental Express flight and it was turbulant... but at least it got me here on time. Chris and I then decided to explore the "City's Best Grilled Cheese" at Resto. It was darn good, even if I did ask a million and two questions of our very cute waiter. Then we were off to explore the city and walk off the cheesy goodness. Out of all the neighborhoods, I liked the West Village the best. We ate a cupcake from Billy's Bakery which was unlike me to have a dessert, but how could I pass it up? We walked until it was dark, then headed back for some Jeopardy and drinking. And Wii playing. And more drinking. Then Jeff's friends arrived and we were off again! To B Bar, where I have never seen more men in a women's bathroom! It was great fun, and the night was topped off with 4a.m. burgers at a diner close by. Pictures are on their way!